Expo 2015 S.p.A. Apps

EXPO MILANO 2015 Official App 2.6.3
Goodbye from Expo Milano 2015!The long journey of Expo Milano 2015 has come to an end. Thankyou for traveling with us and our official App!Discover how to live again the Expo Milano 2015 experience.
EXPO MILANO 2015 Virtual Tour 1.0.0
Expo Milano 2015: the Virtual Tour becomesrealExpo Milano 2015 is teeming with stimulations, metaphors andfascinating contents which the Virtual Tour also helps you tounderstand more richly through an itinerary of images. The 3D visitoffers two different but superimposed levels: the first consists ofreal images of the actual Expo, the second consists of 3D imageswhich augment reality by adding further suggestions. For example:viewers may or may not be aware of the significance of the name“Decumano” given to the crowded main road lined by the Pavilions ofthe Participating Countries. During the Virtual Tour an interactiveicon allows the spectator to superimpose on the real image a 3Dreconstruction of the main street in an ancient Roman city… calledthe Decumano.
ExpoNet by EXPO MILANO 2015 1.1.419
ExpoNet is the mobile app of the Expo Milano 2015 officialmagazine. With a journalistic style and an internationalperspective it shows how the Themes of the Universal Exposition areconnected with our own lifestyles. The mobile version offers theuser a personalized magazine based on his or her preferred topics,with exclusive insights, interviews, behind the scenes reporting,guides and tips. Selected articles can be read later offline andreading lists group together related articles.